3 Ways To Get Your Child Ready To Start Preschool This Fall

This fall, many children will enroll in preschool. If your child will be one of the kids starting a pre-kindergarten program for the first time in September, spend this summer preparing them for it. Here are three things you can do this July and August that will help them make the transition to preschool in the fall. Switch to Cloth Diapers Most preschools only accept children who are potty trained, so getting your child out of diapers should be your primary focus if you hope to enroll them in a preschool. Read More 

Parents: Four Tips To Help Your Teens Avoid Distractions While Driving

Teens are infamously dangerous drivers, and distracted driving is involved in over 10 percent of fatal vehicle crashes involving teens. There are a number of ways to keep your teen safe on the road, but if you want to minimize driving distractions in particular, there are specific things you can and should do. Parents, check out these ideas: 1. Make it easy to stop texting while driving While states have a range of rules regarding using cellphones while driving, the safest option is to not use them at all. Read More 

Forced Sharing Vs. Cooperative Play: 5 Tools For Dealing With Toddler Desire

When you send your child to a daycare center, you assume that they will practice basic motor skills, gain an introduction to their future academic life, and be taught important social skills. One of the important social skills most parents look for is the concept of ownership and sharing. It is a relief once your toddler no longer grabs toys out of another child's hands or can understand the concept of taking turns. Read More 

4 Mind Blowing Gift Ideas Your New College Grad Is Sure To Appreciate

Graduating from college is a big deal – it marks the end of hard work and the beginning of exciting new life adventures. Choosing a gift for your college grad that's special enough for the occasion can be a challenge. Instead of offering cash, free vacations, or gift cards for lack of other ideas, consider one of these four gift options for your new college grad that is sure to make a serious impression: Read More