Defining Characteristics Of Military-Friendly Online Colleges

Military-friendly online colleges have many of the same features that brick-and-mortar colleges have. They all do their best to provide an education and intermediate and advanced degrees to military personnel regardless of rank and serving status. There are also some defining characteristics of military-friendly colleges that you should be made aware of, especially if you are trying to pursue an education and a degree but you think that your military status might get in the way. Read More 

What Is Dyscalculia And How Might The Symptoms Affect You?

Dyscalculia is a math learning disorder characterized by the inability to grasp math concepts and how to apply them to every day life. Many call it math dyslexia or math disability. Dyscalculia, however, has more to do with number sense than pure computation. Think of it as the relationship between telling time and understanding what time is. Or, think of it as computing a basic multiplication problem like 2 times 3. Read More 

Five Benefits Of Choosing A Preschool Program With A Dog

When you are choosing preschool childcare for your child, you will encounter facilities that offer a lot of different benefits as well as different views on child development. You may also find that some preschools have dogs on site. Here is a look at the some of the potential benefits of having a dog at your child's preschool. 1. Dogs may help shy children. A dog can act as a bridge between a shy child and other children. Read More 

Tips For Helping Your Child Remain Engaged During Daycare

If you have sent your child to daycare, you want him or her to be receiving the same level of interaction and stimulation that he or she would be receiving at home. However, your child might come home and complain that he or she was bored with daycare. Here are some tips for helping your child remain engaged during daycare and thoroughly enjoy the experience. 1. Isolate the Place Where Your Child is Bored Read More